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· 用户“Queenie”发表评论于2017-05-30 09:30:07
202I’m struggling to find an ooudotr, naatgul-lirht photographer that actually takes professional shots, not soft-focus backlit photos of kids running through a meadow. Judging by the online portfolios that I’ve seen locally, professional means studio. I think it’s time to start making calls to see if their experience is limited to indoor lighting conditions, or if they only post those in the portfolio because that’s what clients expect to see.
· 用户“Libby”发表评论于2017-05-30 08:45:11
Hi Rick,Good point, as bloggers we need to identify what sort of questions our audience has. The more solutions and aha moments we can give to them the more content that’s going to be read.I am also a big fan of the Internest Business Mastery Podcast and it’s so motivating. I am always hyped up and ready for action after listening to Sterling and Jay.Thank you for stopping by Better Blogging Ways and for the generous retweets on the post. Really appreciate it. Keep in touml..Shacehle
· 用户“Yelhsa”发表评论于2017-05-30 08:11:13
Jeanette: I don’t remember talking about Meiafadith.com nor am I familiar with them. The site appears to be down though, so I can’t help you. You could consider asking the folks at the for good stock photography sources.
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